Saturday 26 May 2012

Pages 385-398

I would have been very happy if this entire book had just been about Jean Valjean and Cosette. Since i fear there are a lot more history lessons coming up i suppose i will have to subside on these fifteen pages for now. Fuck you Victor Hugo!

The story doesn't move a lot during these pages, it's mostly just an interlude to describe the few weeks Valjean and Cosette spend living together after he rescued her from the Thenardiers, however i still found them very enjoyable. Actually there were some pages quite like this not long ago, pages 325-337, but instead of being irrelevant like i thought those were i don't think the book as a whole suffers from having these particular pages in them.

Basically Valjean becomes a new man now that he has Cosette, he becomes a loving father and no longer bears a grudge against the world, it's all very sugary and sweet really, don't forget Mr Hugo that the book is called Les Miserables, not Les Happy! Lets get back on track shall we!
Even though i joke these pages are some of my favourites so far, i love the relationship between Valjean and Cosette, although i really wish he would STOP WATCHING HER WHILE SHE SLEEPS! SHE'S NOT A BABY, SHE'S EIGHT! IT'S A LITTLE BIT CREEPY, and stop kissing her hands while she's asleep too, whats all that about??? Actually just stop doing things to her in general while she sleeps OK! (To be fair i may have made all that sound more sinister than it actually is........Shut up i have issues!!)

Also during these pages Javert appears again,  It's been ages since we've seen Javert, i thought he was never coming back! Somehow he's managed to track down Valjean again even though he's pretty much been presumed dead by everyone since he fell off the prison ship ages ago. How does Javert know where to find him??? how does he know know these things????? EXPLAIN BOOK, EXPLAIN!
Sometimes Javert comes across as being incredibly smart, then at other times he's so stupid it makes you want to punch him. For instance he spots Valjean while walking in the streets, he talks to him, he even touches him i think but he doesn't arrest him right there and then...... ummmmm why not??? This is supposedly a guy who remembers Valjean from 20 years ago but physically seeing him in the street up close he's not certain enough that it's right guy. And again after that Javert searches the house where Valjeans living but he doesn't even check the room that he's staying in, you're not too bright are you Javert? You're a policeman, isn't searching places kind of your job?
Seriously whats the problem here? Javerts been dead set on arresting this guy for ages but now he has him in his sights he doesn't do anything.........What the hell Victor Hugo?....What the hell??????

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